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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull

Times Watched: 1
Watched With: Mr Rider, Mr & Mrs Porno @ Cathay EHub (27/05)
Snacks: Hot Dog Combo

Dr Jones! Dr Jones! Calling Dr Jones!
Dr Jones! Dr Jones! Wake up now!

So yes Indy's back.
It's been 19 years since his last adventure in The Last Crusade and Dr Henry 'Indiana' Jones Jr is caught up in another adventure again.
And i'm not even going to make any cracks about Harrison Ford's age.

The year is 1957 and Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) and his buddy George 'Mac' McHale (Ray Winstone) are held captive by Colonel-Doctor Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett) and her small soviet army. She needs them to help find a mysterious crate in Roswell located at the famous Area 51 (i'm sure you can tell where this is going)

Well they manage to escape but suddenly a young ruffian named Mutt William (Shia Lebeouf) with news that his mother has been kidnapped along with Indiana's old friend and buddy Professor 'Ox' Oxley (John Hurt) after the latter gave indication that he's found an ancient crystal skull that was once though long lost and associated with ancient Mayan/Aztec civilizations. So they journey into South America while battling the Soviets and at the same time trying to solve the mystery shrouding the crystal skull and why the Soviets are so interested in it.

Doesn't that sound just SO exciting? *pffft*

I'd actually type out more but if i did then i might ruin the surprise by revealing some details that you'd probably just have to watch the movie to enjoy.
But i'll be honest and say that i didn't really expect this movie to be that good.
The original Indiana Jones movies were so cool because they were so realistic. Okay maybe some dude on such fantastic adventures is not realistic.
But at least back then it was believable.
Now they have advanced CGI technology which actually takes away most of the draw and the plot was really a let down.
Being predictable is one thing. Being un-original is another.
I can just imagine people going "Alamak" as the plot is slowly revealed.

Another chance for the rich to get richer based on a cool franchise that should have been laid to rest after the fantastic original trilogy.
And by the way. Marion Ravenwood (Karen Allen) in the movie does NOT look like she does in the movie poster above.

Final Verdict:


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