3:10 To Yuma
okay so i'm not really into westerns.
westerns are more of my dad's favourite so i figured i'd just watch it anyways since it had some big names.
so anyways this is a remake of a 1957 movie.
the movie revolves around 2 main characters.
one being the outlaw Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) & the other being the rancher Dan Evans (Christian Bale).
as it seems Ben Wade is actually a so-called 'kind hearted' outlaw is there is such a thing and as expected he's caught one day and they need to put him on the 3:10pm train to Yuma prison (hence the title you smarty pants).
as luck would have it Dan Evans is down on his luck and he needs money fast and he needs it badly. so he volunteers to help escort Wade for a fee.
now. sounds simple right? wrong.
Wade's gang (led by the badass Ben Foster) is hot on the trial to help their leader get free and thus ensues the shoot-em' all with the good guys and the bad guys.
ultimately you now this movie is going to have some kind of moral to the story somewhere so unless you're a fan of westerns i don't really suggest you watch it.
maybe i'm being biased.
but hey i wouldn't be fair if i wasn't right.
(yes it makes sense)
Final Verdict: 1 & 1/2 out of 5
At January 23, 2008 at 12:32 AM ,
azlan_shah said...
eh dam... guess my favourite western movie....
At January 23, 2008 at 12:36 AM ,
adam shah said...
'taik setompok in the wagon' starring john wayne
At January 23, 2008 at 1:16 AM ,
adam shah said...
PS on a personal note...
the best western ever has to be 'Red Sun'.
even thought it has a (young) charles bronson..
it still has samurai Mifune in it and Alain Delon too so suck on that biatch
At January 23, 2008 at 3:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
best western movie of all time is.............
cos Will Smith rawks!!!!
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