Born To Be A Movie Reviewer

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

No Country For Old Men

Times Watched: 1
Watched with: Mr Rider @ GV Vivo City (18/02)
Snacks: Popcorn, Gummy Jelly Hearts & Iced Lemon Tea

see that poster?
now those are the eyes of a psycho stone cold killer.

so this is the story of everyday-joe Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) who stumbles upon a drug-deal in the desert gone bad.
so that means a lot of dead mexicans and a shit-load of cash.
now obviously the drugsters aren't going to let it go just like that right?
so they hire stone-cold weirdo-haircut psycho bad to the bone assassin Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem) to dispatch the dude.

and like duh there has to be a lawman right?
ageing sheriff Ed Tom Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) is just about ready to retire and then the shit really hits the fan balls.

so the chase is on.
and the thing i liked about this movie is that it's so unconventional.
yeah it was based on a novel but it's by The Coen Brothers so you can expect a bit of variation in style (even though the dialogue is lifted verbatim from the novel)

and for once. you root for the bad guy.
whether you're rooting for Llewelyn who's the normal country boy who catches a lucky break or whether it's Chigurh who is so fucking cool at times that it's scary.
and his big ass gun is enough to get hyped balls. shocking.

sure sure some of you might root for the sheriff.
but NO ONE will root for Woody Harellson's character because he's a cock.

but i'd heard soooo much about Javier Bardem's performance as the hitman in this show and he'd won so many awards for it (even though it's his first major english-speaking role) and i have to agree he did a fantastic job.
and please don't be fooled by the haircut...

ps if you see someone walking to you with a gas cyclinder... run.

Final Verdict: 4 & 1/2 out of 5


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