Rambo 4

Watched with: Mr Jab @ Bedok Princess (25/01)
The Unknown Dudes @ FilmGarde KLP (07/02)
Snacks: Sushi & Limeade @ Bedok Princess
Hotdog & Coke @ FilmGarde KLP
holy fucking phantasmagoria.
okay look here. i am a big fan of the rambo movies.
First Blood was solid.
First Blood Pt II was better.
Rambo III wasn't so bad.
but the point is that these were all Rambo movies.
what i watched today was --- a GORE movie.
i'm not talking gore as in like stylized Rob Zombie gore.
i'm not talking exaggerated gore in the Saw series.
i'm talking about GORE like Cannibal Halocaust gore.
now don't get me wrong.
i'm a BIG fan of gore and shit. but i was really really surprised that i saw all that in a Rambo movie balls.
the gore was glorified to a point where it became tasteless.
it became 'gorified'.
good to watch. might be a little hard to watch for the weak.
so prepare yourself for the GORE!
i think if this was a few years back it might actually have been banned.
it's M18 now but they should raise it to R21.
even for this version they cut out some gory bits and STILL the parts they showed were gorifically gory to the gory gedegak.
okay so sly stallone doesn't want to retire. i can respect that.
but i think he shouldn't have made this a Rambo movie.
kinda spoils the franchise image y'know.
he should have made this a new movie with a new character.
call him 'Jungle Wolf' or some shit i don't know.
well whatever it is just prepare yourself lah okay.
just like i told Mr Jab.
"i knew it was going to be bad...
but i didn't expect it to be GORE!"
but i didn't expect it to be GORE!"
Final Verdict: 1 & 1/2 out of 5
At January 25, 2008 at 4:05 PM ,
adam shah said...
and NOOOOOO they didn't have the big ass knife OR the red headband.
he tied some batik shit around his head instead.
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