Born To Be A Movie Reviewer

Finally. At Last. A real place you can come to get REAL movie reviews. Don't trust what others say about a movie? Well you shouldn't. You should trust me.

Monday, January 28, 2008

27 Dresses (Guest Review)

Special Guest Reviewer:

aha. finally!
so happy to have a contribution from you! wahahaha
more to come i hope.

okay go.


This is purely a chick flick so guys, if you don't wanna hear the "So when are WE getting married?!" speech from your girlfriends, I suggest you stay away from this one.

Jane (Katherine Heigl) is the girl who's always the bridesmaid, never the bride. She's been a bridesmaid 27 times hence the movie title, cause she literally owns like 27 bridesmaid dresses. And she keeps every single one of them. One particularly dreadful one was from a theme wedding where they dressed her up like Lil Bo Peep! Oh the horror! Anyway, she's like secretly in love with her boss (Ed Burns) and just when she finally plucks up the courage to tell him her true feelings, her stupid bratty bitchy Bridezilla of a sister (Malin Akerman) comes along and ruins everything. Then, Kevin (James Marsden) comes into the picture and he's intrigued by her idealistic nature about love and marriage.

So like all chick flicks the guy always gets the girl in the end but it's always fun to see how they screw up along the way. Heigl is charming as Jane, the selfless girl who takes care of everyone but herself. Other than being utterly gorgeous, she has a dorky and clumsier side to her, very reminiscent of Sandra Bullock (Miss Congeniality) or Julia Roberts. You can't help but be on her side. James Marsden is well. . . dreamy. A little on the short side but still. . . dreamy. So I forgive him.

The movie is pretty predictable but Heigl saves it from being too . . . sappy. Just a light-hearted watch for girls everywhere who believe in love and finding the One.

note from Adam:
i'll watch it for Heigl in that Bo-Peep outfit.
in fact.. i think i'll PEEP at her. geddit? bo-peep? peep?

Miss Iz's Verdict: 3 out of 5

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Mist

Times Watched: 3
Watched With: -Nobody @ GV Vivo (26/01)
-Mr Jab @ Film Garde KLP (30/01)
-The Unknown Dudes @ Film Garde KLP (02/02)
Snacks: -Mixed Nuts & Coke @ GV Vivo
-Yeo's Lychee Drink @ Film Garde
-Yeo's Lychee Drink @ Film Garde (Again)

okay so check this shit.
i'm such a big fan of Stephen King books & movies.
he's given us some of the greatest in the history of the world bub.
we've got 'It', 'The Langoliers', 'The Stand', 'Cat's Eye' and even movies that you probably didn't know were King's stories like 'The Running Man' and 'The Green Mile'.

and when i saw the trailer for this.
boy oh boy was i excited.
because the last movie by him - 1408 - had somewhat of a disappointing ending (as do most of his movies unfortunately)
but seeing so many different creatures and themes in the trailer was enough for me to chug my way to watch this movie.

so the plot is such.
a mist suddenly descends upon a small town after a storm.
and the guy David Drayton (Thomas Jane) and his kid go to the grocery store to get supplies iin case the storm hits again.
but by the time the mist comes everyone is trapped in that supermarket.

and from there it becomes a survival game.
on one hand you've got the rational people who want to stay in the safety of the supermarket and there are those who think nothing of it and want to venture out into the mist and go get help or at least just get the "heel outta hair".
oh. and there's also one more group. the religious fanatics led by the town's church fanatic Mrs. Carmody (Marcia Gay Harden) who believes it is the end of days and extreme measures are needed to soothe god's wrath.

oh and did i mention the suspicious army people?

now you'd expect people to keep calm and work together right?
but Drayton said it best... "Sure, as long as the machines are working and you can dial 911. But you take those things away, you throw people in the dark, you scare the shit out of them - no more rules. "

throw in a fucking shit-load of tension and suspense-filled scenes and then the all manner of creatures start attacking.
boy oh boy i was REALLY enjoying this shit.

i thought the movie was REALLY long because it felt like 4 hours had passed but in the end it turned out to be only 2 hours.
so it may be draggy at some points but the build up is crucial.

and for once the ending is acceptable.
(i know it was mean but i laughed at the ending)

well whatever the case,
if you're a fan of Stephen King or a fan or suspense or the macabre.
then i suggest you go watch this movie.

Final Verdict: 3 & 1/2 out of 5

Friday, January 25, 2008

Rambo 4

Times Watched: 1
Watched with: Mr Jab @ Bedok Princess (25/01)
The Unknown Dudes @ FilmGarde KLP (07/02)
Snacks: Sushi & Limeade @ Bedok Princess
Hotdog & Coke @ FilmGarde KLP

holy fucking phantasmagoria.

okay look here. i am a big fan of the rambo movies.
First Blood was solid.
First Blood Pt II was better.
Rambo III wasn't so bad.
but the point is that these were all Rambo movies.

what i watched today was --- a GORE movie.
i'm not talking gore as in like stylized Rob Zombie gore.
i'm not talking exaggerated gore in the Saw series.
i'm talking about GORE like Cannibal Halocaust gore.

now don't get me wrong.
i'm a BIG fan of gore and shit. but i was really really surprised that i saw all that in a Rambo movie balls.

the gore was glorified to a point where it became tasteless.
it became 'gorified'.
good to watch. might be a little hard to watch for the weak.
so prepare yourself for the GORE!

i think if this was a few years back it might actually have been banned.
it's M18 now but they should raise it to R21.
even for this version they cut out some gory bits and STILL the parts they showed were gorifically gory to the gory gedegak.

okay so sly stallone doesn't want to retire. i can respect that.
but i think he shouldn't have made this a Rambo movie.
kinda spoils the franchise image y'know.
he should have made this a new movie with a new character.
call him 'Jungle Wolf' or some shit i don't know.

well whatever it is just prepare yourself lah okay.
just like i told Mr Jab.

"i knew it was going to be bad...
but i didn't expect it to be GORE!"

Final Verdict: 1 & 1/2 out of 5

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

3:10 To Yuma

Times Watched: 1
Watched with: Nobody @ Home (22/01)
Snacks: Milo Peng

okay so i'm not really into westerns.
westerns are more of my dad's favourite so i figured i'd just watch it anyways since it had some big names.

so anyways this is a remake of a 1957 movie.

the movie revolves around 2 main characters.
one being the outlaw Ben Wade (Russell Crowe) & the other being the rancher Dan Evans (Christian Bale).
as it seems Ben Wade is actually a so-called 'kind hearted' outlaw is there is such a thing and as expected he's caught one day and they need to put him on the 3:10pm train to Yuma prison (hence the title you smarty pants).
as luck would have it Dan Evans is down on his luck and he needs money fast and he needs it badly. so he volunteers to help escort Wade for a fee.

now. sounds simple right? wrong.
Wade's gang (led by the badass Ben Foster) is hot on the trial to help their leader get free and thus ensues the shoot-em' all with the good guys and the bad guys.

ultimately you now this movie is going to have some kind of moral to the story somewhere so unless you're a fan of westerns i don't really suggest you watch it.
maybe i'm being biased.
but hey i wouldn't be fair if i wasn't right.
(yes it makes sense)

Final Verdict: 1 & 1/2 out of 5

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Body #19

Times Watched: 1
Watched with: Miss Hana @ GV Marina (19/01)
Snacks: Iced Lemon Tea

okay so after the rather chilling 'Shutter' i figured that thailand could churn out another one of those scary ass movies.
and boy oh boy they almost made it.
kinda draggy at first. but it picks up eventually.

so this is about this guy. and this woman.
the thing is he keeps dreaming that he killed this woman.
and then intertwines with his sister and a psychiatrist and the professor and dude and the all of what nots who knows why.

and of course. there's the ghost.
bloody hell the ghost was actually quite fearsome at the end.
and although i didn't agree with some of the cinematography (like the cheesy 'screaming guy bathed in blood' shot) but i do think they made up for it with some very cool special effects for the ghost. (especially the end)
plus i discovered a new condiment for porridge!

not really one you should flock to see but if you have the spare time and nothing else to watch you might want to give this a go.
it's not so bad after all. quite a good twist i'd say.

and oh. if you're looking for a movie where the girl will jump into your arms with fright -- this is your movie bub.

Final Verdict: 2 out of 5

Friday, January 18, 2008


Times Watched: 1
Watched with: Mr Baps Saigon & Mr Al Uni @ The Cathay (18/01)
Snacks: Green Tea

okay the first time i saw the trailer for this was when way back when i went to catch 'Transformers' last year (with Bapsy Boy no less)
oh come on. you guys know the trailer.
yeah the really impressive one with the head of the statue of liberty being decapitated and flies in the air. yup THAT one.

and they were really smart about this movie too.
not only did they go viral on us. they also gave NO CLUE whatsoever as to what the hell this movie was about.
the only thing we knew - it was a monster movie.

so before anything i figure i'd better warn you.
you guys know the handheld camera technique of filming employed in 'The Blair Witch Project' right?
yeah the turbulent view one.
well multiply that turbulence by about 20x here.
i shit you not.
some people left the cinema halfway and came back in with vomit stains on their crotch and shoes.

and so proceeds the story.

friends get together. monster attacks the city. city evacuates. except for guy who wants to save his girlfriend across town. like duh.

but i was REALLY impressed with monster i'll tell you.
and no one can figure out what the fuck it is.
kind of a cross between a mutant rabbit/sloth/godzilla/gillman/ayub.
and don't forget the mini-creatures. fierce to the gedegak.

i guess in the end this movie did pretty well.
but of course it could have done better.
kudos on getting people excited and speculating but hey you gotta deliver when the real thing comes and not half-fuck the bugger y'know.

it was supposed to be a monster movie.
it turned out to be a love story where a monster attacks halfway.
(but fucking power lah the monster.)

Anyways... here's a spoiler alert.
if you want to know where the monster came from..
then highlight in-between the *** below.
if you don't want the tip then simply don't highlight lor.


pay close attention to the final scene where the couple is talking in the ferris wheel. look in the background...

Final Verdict: 2 out of 5

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

One Missed Call (Guest Review)

Special Guest Reviwer: Mr Jab

okay so this review is by the guest reviewer.
and i intend to have more guests on here so if you watch a movie and have something to say about it then leave a comment or e-mail me or hell lah you know how to contact me right people?

and take it awaaaaaaaaaay mr-jab!


The poster was kinda freakish, so I thought it would be, maybe,
an above average movie, if not average.

it’s a horror movie.
firstly I read the synopsis at the ticket counter, it was like, certain bunch of people get mysterious phone calls, not the ones who say they will die in 7 days or shit.
but it's kinda cool if u want to think of it.
OK ok people dying is not cool….

anyway, then of course theres one friend who's smart enough to see coincidences and starts to investigate.

there was only one scene toward the end that got the theatre screaming but it was quite a predictable movie with certain scenes evoking memories of Final Destination.

plus you KNOW there's a twist.

so therefore, cos of the unique way of people dying (like cannot escape)
I give it 2 out of 5.

Adam, I know you wont agree if you watch it, you'll give it even a lower rating,
but I guess im a bit lenient.
Hahah…bottom line is, don’t waste your money, buy the dvd.

Mr Jab's Verdict: 2 out of 5

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

American Gangster

Times Watched: 1
Watched With: Nobody @ Home (14/01)
Snacks: Bottle Of Water

i'm a little mixed up about this movie y'know.

firstly this is based on a real story okay.

on one hand you have Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington) who, back in the 70s, became a major drug kingpin by smuggling his heroin product in directly from vietnam (very cleverly mind you)
and on the other hand you have Richie Roberts (Russell Crowe) who's generally a goody honest cop who's struggling with corruption the job and the family.

and by now you're probably thinking "wow this is going to be one great gangster movie balls" (minus the balls part) am i right?
well i'm sorry to disappoint boys and girls.

let me put it this way.
this was a very interesting story especially since this was based on actual events.
this was a display of good acting by both leads.
this was a story where you can really connect with the characters because the plots is really well written.
this was a film which will probably win a few awards.

but this was no gangster movie.

maybe the title kind of gives you an expectation.
or who knows what other reason it may be.
but don't get me wrong.
this is a good movie.
i want you to go and watch this movie.
but i don't want you going in with the idea it's a gangster movie.

ps look out for Russell Crowe finding and returnin US$1 million and more importantly - his partner's moustache

Final Verdict: 2 & 1/2 out of 5

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Eastern Promises

Times Watched: 1
Watched with: Mr Rider @ The Cathay (04/01)
Snacks: Cup Corn & Grape Soda

now THAT'S what i call a movie.
and even mr-rider can safely agree that it was good.

okay so Viggo Mortensen plays a kinda 'clean-up man' for this russian mob outfit that's moved out to london right.
and he's all pally with the king mobster's son (played by Vincent Cassel)
so intertwine it with the death of a prostitute at childbirth and goody-two-shoes midwife (played by Naomi Watts)

now i guess you'll like this movie if you like The Godfather.
just imagine it with a russian mob twist.

it has some gritty & gruesome scenes in it.
including seeing Viggo's swinging dong in view while he fights in the nude at a bath-house (tough sonofabitch)

David Cronenberg & Viggo did a great job on 'A History Of Violence' and it carries on with this superb tale which is worth the price of admission.

oh believe you me.
he's one stone-cold tough ass s.o.b in the movie.
and the tattoos really fascinated me.
so click HERE if you want to know more about the ink.

best movie of the year so far. (hope there're better)

Final Verdict: 3 out of 5

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Times Watched: 2
Watched with:
-The Pornos & Mr Rider @ The Cathay (01/01)
-Mr Jab & Mr Baps Saigon @ JB (03/01)
-M&Ms & Green Tea @ The Cathay
- Chicken Nuggets & Peach Tea @ JB

wondering what the 'R' in the poster stands for?
well the studios say it's actually 'Alien vs Predator: Requiem'.
but it actually stands for 'Alien vs Predator: Rubbish'.
and yes the studios thought that the people in Asia were not smart enough to understand what the word 'requiem' means so they just called it 'Part 2' here.

so this was a very highly anticipated movie since the flopping of part 1 (which was horrendous to everyone else except mr-porno & mr-baps saigon).
and boy oh boy did this movie disappoint.

the direction was horrible.
the photography was horrible.
the movie is dark enough and they decided to shoot almost all the scenes in extra dark places so you can't really see what the hell is going on.

and in case you didn't get a clear view (which i'm sure of)

that's the 'Predalien'
which turned out to be kind of a wuss in the end.

i'm sorry but you take a shite storyline.
throw in a couple of shite actors.
and it's going to be a shite movie.

i can't believe this was the first movie of 2008 for me.
and twice no less.
what a bad start balls.

Final Verdict: 1 out of 5

Gala Premiere

hellooooooo all.

well i've take the advice of mr-jab and a few.
some of you want the movie news asap.
and so i shall deliver.

this is a new side blog i'm making specifically for movies.
i'm going to post a review up of a movie i watched as soon as i get back from watching it and it'll include some information that might help in your decisions on what movies you might want to go watch.
(am i a GREAT guy or what?)

so enjoy it.
but don't neglect the real blog oright.

PS you're expected to leave comments and your own reviews about the movies as well whether you've watched it or not.
i'm sure most of you will have something to say about movies.

PPS i'll come up with a proper ratings system soon.
just bear with the norm for now okay people.